1. To promote at all times the good reputation of the Home and Crownwood Healthcare.
2. To ensure that you contribute, to the best of your ability, to the efficient running of the home and the creation of an atmosphere conducive to the best interests of the service users.
3. To carry out instructions from senior staff accurately, professionally and promptly.
4. To be observant of any changes in the service users’ condition and to report to nurse in charge.
5. To be fully conversant with correct moving and handling techniques, use of handling aids, and to be personally responsible in attending update training in this respect.
6. To be fully conversant with the Fire Procedures and use of equipment and to be personally responsible for ensuring attendance at regular fire lectures and drills, at least annually.
7. To be conversant with Health & Safety policies and to report any accidents or unusual occurrences to clients, staff or self, promptly to the Manager or Deputy.
8. To be conversant with all policies and procedures as laid down by the Company, where unsure you must seek clarification.
9. To participate in staff meetings as required.
10. To attend courses and in-service training as and when it is offered.
11. To ensure safekeeping of service users’ clothing and property.
12. To maintain confidentiality of service users in all respects.
13. To be fully conversant with service users’ care plans, notes and assessments.
14. To have the ability to write accurate Daily Reports describing the care given in the service users’ notes under the guidance of senior staff.
15. To wear uniform in full whilst on duty.
16. To maintain a happy, healthy working relationship that will be conducive to a professional atmosphere.
17. To adhere to the policy of not accepting gifts from clients without the permission of the Manager.
18. To adhere to the Government’s no smoking in the workplace policy
1 Direct patient care – Care of service user’s hair, teeth, nails and general hygiene. Assist with washing service users in bed and in a bath. Assisting service users in and out of bed, accompanying them to the toilet.
2. Feeding service users and distributing meals – Help service users to prepare for meals, assist them to the dining room, distribute meals, clear plates etc to the kitchen. Feed individual service users when required. Be aware of special dietary needs of all service users.
3. Bed making – Making of empty beds. Bed making and linen changing with service user in bed. Cleaning vacated beds; observing the Home’s infection control policy.
4. Observation and collection of specimens – Giving and removing of bedpans, urinals and commodes. Saving of specimens as required (e.g. Urine, stool, sputum and vomit)
5. Recording – Measuring and recording service user’s weight and reporting any changes. Taking and recording blood pressure and pulse, and monitoring blood sugar of diabetic service users once trained and deemed competent.
6. Pressure areas – Moving, turning and transferring service users as needed. Recognising at risk service users, reporting accurately any changes in skin integrity. Use of pressure relieving aids.
7. Cleaning – Sharing the responsibility for basic cleanliness of the Home, as directed by the Manager or Deputy in co-operation with the housekeeping team.
8. Diversional therapy – To participate and arrange recreational activities for the service users.
9. General – Answering the telephone, taking, recording and transmitting messages accurately and fully.